Saturday, June 6, 2009

Thoughts on Terminator Salvation...

I just watched Terminator Salvation.

Here is my own movie Q&A with myself.

Q: Did you like the movie?

A: It was good, but nothing great.

The end.

Random I think...s' about the movie (Q: Is "I think...s'" even grammatically correct? A: Probably not.)

1. I think I could have watched that movie at home and not felt that I had missed something by not seeing it at the movie theatre. Reason: I found none of the special effect or maybe it was the camera angles of said special effects, spectacular. Very depressing, as the reason to go to a movie theatre is to see movies with action in them.

2. I think the character of John Connor's wife, Kate, was totally useless (No offense to Bryce Dallas Howard, daughter of Ron Howard, who was in the movie The Village). Other than the fact that her character was in Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, and is noted in that movie to be the wife of John Connor and Mother of their children who will be important members of the resistance. OK, so after writing that, maybe that's why her character is in the movie, but still, I felt no good or bad feelings towards Kate and her character did not drive the plot of the story. In other words her character sucked.

3. I think Kate being pregnant distracted me from the story. What does her being pregnant have anything to do with the actual storyline? At this point I feel like I should go back and watch Terminator 3 to see if the Terminator, portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger, said anything about when their kids were born. Maybe that's why she's pregnant? Whatever, it still was distracting and (I felt) unnecessary to drive the story.

4. I think Sam Worthington, who played Marcus Wright, was totally hot! Not sure about his acting ability as I had a hard time focusing while being mesmerized by his hot face and body. Nuf said.

Well that's all I have to say.

But Who Cares?

Disclaimer: I take no responsibility for bad grammar and spelling in this post. I already know I suck at that kind of stuff.

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