Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thoughts on the movie "Knowing"

Dude this movie sucked.

Why does this movie suck?

1. Why does the little boy in the film, have a hearing aid? What does that have to do with the plot?

2. Nicolas Cage's character, John, calls in to the police to warn of one the disasters. He then goes to the site of where the disaster is supposed to happen and asks one of the police officers why they have not blocked the area. Why would you do this? Does he want to be arrested? How stupid!

3. Why does Diana take the kids while John is trying to find the coordinates that he believes will be safe and save the children? Why does she not believe him when previously in the story she has? Then she gets into a car accident and dies? Her death adds nothing for the main plot.

4. What is up with the aliens/angels leaving all those rocks everywhere?

5. Something else confusing, the introduction of Abby's ability to also hear the whispers. Why is it confusing? Because there is no introduction!

6. No close relationships between any of the characters.

7. Why does John's son, Caleb, start writing more numbers near the end of the film, if the world is ending that day, and the numbers are supposed to be prophecy's of disasters in the future?

The only things I liked about this film are the idea that we may have started over in the past, and the imagery of the new "earth."

Something different about this film is that the humanity is destroyed, no last minute miraculous save via human ingenuity, and some people are saved not by doing of our own, but through aliens/angels.

I was actually angry at this film because it sucked so much.

But who Cares!

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